The price of gold in Egypt has fluctuated significantly since Friday, primarily due to shifting global gold prices. Despite the US dollar exchange rate remaining...
Gold prices remained unchanged at the start of trading today, Monday, holding steady from yesterday's closing levels.
Gold prices in Egypt declined slightly on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, with a EGP 5 per gram drop across all karats. This minor decrease comes...
Gold prices in Egypt declined today, Monday, with the popular 21-karat variety dropping approximately 10 Egyptian pounds to 3265 pounds per gram. The decrease mirrors...
Egyptian gold prices show stability across the board today, Monday, July 22nd, 2024.
Gold prices increased in Egypt on Monday compared to their prices in mid-trading, according to Nady Naguib, former secretary-general of the gold division at the...
Gold prices in the Egyptian market saw a noticeable decline today, Monday, July 8th, 2024. The price of 21-karat gold, the most popular choice in...