Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning and Economic Development and International Cooperation, reviewed a report on the first phase of the "Decent Life" initiative, the National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Countryside, as of December 2024. This review aligns with the ministry's efforts to monitor the initiative's implementation in accordance with the economic and social development plan and Egypt's Vision 2030.
Key achievements of the presidential initiative:
298.3 billion Egyptian pounds worth of investments in the
first phase of the initiative by the end of December 2024, with an
implementation rate of 86.5%.
28% of the implemented projects are directed towards
enhancing human capital, especially in the education, health, and youth sectors.
4 villages obtained the "Rationalization"
certificate to comply with the latest environmental standards of the World
Green Building Council, and 16 other villages are being qualified.
371.6 thousand subscribers to internet services, and the
extension of the fiber optic network to 409 villages.
A 366% increase in the number of natural gas service
subscribers in the governorates of the first phase.
Literacy eradication for 596,000 citizens in the villages of
the first phase, 63% of them in Upper Egypt.
66.7 billion Egyptian pounds in funding for small, medium,
and micro-sized enterprises in the initiative's villages.
The allocations for the first phase of the initiative amount
to 350 billion Egyptian pounds to implement approximately 23,000 projects in
1,477 villages in 52 centers, within 20 governorates, benefiting 18 million
citizens. It is targeted that the share of Upper Egypt governorates from the
first phase allocations will be 68%, benefiting 11 million citizens, or 61% of
the total beneficiaries.
First phase execution status:
According to the report, the disbursed amount from the first
phase allocations reached approximately 298.3 billion Egyptian pounds by the
end of last December, with an implementation rate of 86.5%. 16,590 development
projects have been completed, with Upper Egypt governorates accounting for 58%
of them, with 9,658 completed projects.
Beheira Governorate leads the governorates in terms of the
number of completed projects, with 2,062 projects, followed by Sohag
Governorate with 1,710 projects, then Minya Governorate with 1,660 projects,
Assiut with 1,624 projects, and Aswan with 1,218 projects.
Enhancing human capital:
The report showed that 28% of the completed projects are
directed towards enhancing human capital, and 27% for drinking water and
sanitation projects, completion of all development projects in 135 villages,
which contributed to improving the "basic service availability rate"
by 75 percentage points.
The "Decent Life" initiative has significantly
enhanced pre-university education in rural Egypt. Over 15,000 classrooms were
built or replaced, and 1,300 schools were renovated, with 55% of these projects
in Upper Egypt, addressing overcrowding and ensuring safe learning
In healthcare, 685 health units and central hospitals were
upgraded to meet Comprehensive Health Insurance standards, alongside 365
ambulance units. 59% of these health projects were in Upper Egypt, improving
service availability and quality.
During the period 2021/22 to 2024/25, literacy programs in
the first-phase villages resulted in 596,000 citizens becoming literate.
Notably, 377,000 of these individuals, representing 63%, resided in Upper Egypt
governorates. Among the governorates, Sohag had the highest number of newly
literate citizens at 134,000, followed by Menoufia with 82,000, Beheira with
68,000, Minya with 64,800, and Beni Suef with 53,500.
Water and sanitation services:
The number of drinking water service subscribers increased
by 14.6%, with an increase of 296,000 new subscribers compared to the situation
before "Decent Life," 67% of whom are in Upper Egypt governorates.
The goal is to increase the coverage of clean drinking water from 97% to 100%.
The report also noted the distribution of new subscribers by governorate, with
Minya governorate leading (88,900 subscribers), followed by Beheira (46,400),
then Assiut (37,000), followed by Fayoum (20,800), and then Beni Suef
governorate (16,800).
The report also highlighted the provision of sanitation
services, where the number of subscribers to the sanitation service in the
villages of the first phase increased by 58%, with an increase of 176,000 new
subscribers compared to the situation before "Decent Life," 40% of
whom are in Upper Egypt governorates. With the completion of the first phase,
the sanitation coverage in all Egyptian rural areas will reach 60%, compared to
12% in 2013/14. In terms of the distribution of new subscribers by governorate,
Beni Suef governorate leads (39,600), followed by Gharbia governorate (31,300),
and then Beheira (24,900).
Natural gas services:
The "Decent Life" initiative significantly
expanded natural gas access, resulting in a 366% increase in subscribers in
first-phase villages, bringing the total to 550,000. Natural gas service was
extended to 560 villages, adding 433,000 new subscribers, with 24% of these in
Upper Egypt governorates.
The report emphasized the positive economic and
environmental impact of this expansion. It led to annual savings of 2 billion
Egyptian pounds in butane gas subsidies, 87 million US dollars in foreign
currency procurement, a 4 million US dollar reduction in carbon dioxide
emissions, and 1 billion Egyptian pounds in household expenses.
High-speed internet:
The report also indicated an increase in the number of
high-speed internet subscribers in the villages of the first phase by 45%, bringing
the total number of subscribers to 371,600. Fiber optic networks were deployed
to 409 villages, with an increase of 116,000 new subscribers compared to the
situation before "Decent Life," 16% of whom are in Upper Egypt
Green Village" initiative:
The report highlighted the "Green Village"
initiative within the "Decent Life" project. The strategic goal of
the initiative is to qualify the villages of the "Decent Life"
presidential initiative to comply with the latest global environmental
standards of the World Green Building Council and to obtain the
"Rationalization" certificate for green communities. The first phase
plan aims to qualify a village in each rural governorate (20 villages).
Regarding the executive status of the "Green Village" initiative, in
2022, Fares village in Aswan governorate won the initiative, in 2023: Nahtai
village in Gharbia governorate, 2024: Shama village in Menoufia governorate,
and 2024: Al-Liwa Subaih village in New Valley governorate also won. The
procedures for qualifying the villages of the first phase "16
villages" to obtain the "Rationalization" certificate for green
communities have been completed. 11 field visits to 11 rural villages have been
completed, and preparations are underway to carry out 9 field visits to the
remaining 9 villages.
Small Business Financing:
Regarding the monitoring of economic interventions within
the "Decent Life" initiative, financing totaling 66.7 billion
Egyptian pounds was provided for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.
Additionally, 137 bank branches were established or developed, with 104
branches (76%) located in Upper Egypt governorate villages. Furthermore, 1,254
ATMs were installed in first-phase villages, with 948 ATMs (76%) in Upper Egypt
governorate villages. This resulted in 100% coverage of all local administrative
units with ATMs, as part of efforts to expand financial inclusion. The
financial inclusion index also improved by 16.2 percentage points in
"Decent Life" villages.
Civil Society partnerships:
To enhance partnerships, the report highlighted strengthened
cooperation with civil society organizations and academic institutions,
leveraging their expertise to provide integrated services in rural Egypt. A
cooperation protocol was signed with Ain Shams University and the Sawiris
Foundation for Social Development to develop the most needy villages under the
national "Decent Life" project. The 53 million Egyptian pound
"House and Safety" project launched in Awlad Yahya village, Dar El
Salam Center, Sohag Governorate, is underway. "Decent Housing"
projects are rehabilitating 200 homes, 500 water connections are being
installed for needy families, and 16 medical convoys have been deployed.
Additionally, 64 drinking water connections were completed, a large-scale
medical convoy benefited 2,957 citizens, and 15 surgical operations were performed."
A cooperation protocol was signed with Al-Galala University to develop underserved villages within the national "Decent Life" initiative. The protocol aims to deliver medical convoys, social education and awareness campaigns, and provide technical experts and consultants for infrastructure project oversight. It also encompasses technical consultations for well drilling, water purification, agriculture, research, and economic empowerment feasibility studies. A medical convoy in Al-Aqwaz village, Al-Saf Center, Giza Governorate, in March 2024, included 40 doctors, students, and nurses, covering eight medical specialties and serving 1,200 residents. The objective is to scale up medical convoy deployment across all "Decent Life" project centers.