Sunday 23 Feb

تعدين وطاقة

Egypt-Saudi-Jordan power link, first step for a unified Arab energy market

Egypt-Saudi-Jordan power link, first step for a unified Arab energy market

Dr. Mahmoud Essmat, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, affirmed that the pilot energy exchange project among Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt will serve as the foundation for the Arab common electricity market. The project aims to establish essential market requirements for commercial and economic energy exchange within the Arab Mashreq region.

He explained that the project aligns with the principles and objectives of the Arab common electricity market. The upcoming signing of the general agreement and the Arab common electricity market agreement, key governance documents, marks the culmination of nearly two decades of efforts towards comprehensive Arab electrical interconnection.

He emphasized the importance of the Arab common electricity market and the Arab electrical interconnection study, which receive significant attention from Arab leaders due to electricity's pivotal role in driving economic and social development across the Arab world.

These remarks were made during his chairmanship of the 39th executive office meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity, hosted by Egypt in the New Administrative Capital.

Essmat highlighted that the Arab common electricity market necessitates a robust legislative, institutional, and infrastructural framework that addresses technical aspects of market integration. He added that the current executive office meetings, held under the auspices of the League of Arab States, aim to elevate this vital sector directly impacting the lives of Arab citizens.