Tuesday 04 Mar

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Egypt Nuclear Power Authority tops ME in energy research

Egypt Nuclear Power Authority tops ME in energy research

The Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA) has secured the first position in the field of atomic energy research, ranking eighth in the Middle East and North Africa, and fourth domestically in the 2024 Scimago International Rankings of Research Institutions. Three of its centers also achieved advanced positions in the rankings: the National Center for Radiation Research and Technology (18th), the Nuclear Research Center (27th), and the Hot Labs Center (56th) out of 391 research centers.

Dr. Amr El-Hajj, the head of the authority, attended the announcement ceremony of the third edition of the Spanish Scimago rankings for research centers, institutes, and authorities in the Middle East and North Africa for 2024. The event was also attended by Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and representatives from Elsevier and the Scimago International Foundation. Egypt secured 5 out of the top 10 positions in the rankings.

The Spanish Scimago ranking is a unique classification for research centers and institutions in the Middle East and North Africa. It is adopted by the specialized Scimago International Foundation and employs a new vision for ranking research centers, relying on a composite index that combines the evaluation of three different groups of indicators.

 The ranking assigns relative weights to evaluation criteria, with an innovation index accounting for 40% of the evaluation of research centers' performance. This includes a 18% evaluation of performance, 10% for productivity, 2% for openness, and 10% for local and international cooperation.

The innovation index was also given a 40% weighting, including 10% for innovation culture, 15% for inventions and innovations, 15% for innovation pages, and finally 20% for the reach and impact on society index, which includes 5% for viewing and communication on electronic pages, 5% for participation in social media networks, 3% for updating electronic pages, and 7% for the percentage of participation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

El-Hajj stated that the authority, according to these rankings, leads atomic energy authorities in the Middle East and North Africa in the fields of research related to the peaceful uses of atomic energy.  

He added that the authority adopts a vision to link scientific research with applied research, especially to serve society. He also pointed out that one of the most important activities of the authority and its various scientific centers is the production of radioisotopes for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors, which cover the needs of the local market and are produced at the second Egyptian research reactor complex in Inshas.